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Showing posts from May, 2017

Agent Protocol & Questions When You Get an Offer

Agent  Protocol - W hat is the standard protocol when dealing with agents? Should you respond to a "no" from an agent with a polite thank you? Although we want to be courteous to agents who take the time to look over our submission materials, you have to remember than they get a ton of emails a day and if everyone who got a no responded with a thank you or anything else then they would get inundated with more emails. Can you respond by asking why or for more in depth feedback? Agents aren't here to make us feel good or give us feedback-plain and simple.  If feedback is what you are looking for then find a good beta reader or critique group, enter a contest or a Twitter pitch party. If you enter a Twitter pitch party and an agent favorites your pitch sometimes if they reject you, they will give you a little feedback.  When should you nudge? If an agent hasn't responded to your query and it is two weeks past their normal response time then I would say nudge. How...